Smart Waters Project launched
U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID); the Ministry of
Agriculture and Water Resources of Uzbekistan; and the Regional
Environmental Centre for Central Asia, launched “Smart Waters,” a new
five-year water management project on April 17, 2017 in Tashkent. U.S.
Ambassador, Pamela Spratlen, provided opening remarks at the event,
which brought together over fifty representatives from water management
organizations, academia, members of parliament, nongovernment
organizations, and the international donor community. Smart Waters is a
regional USAID program designed to improve water management training
systems for professionals, academics, researchers, and policy-makers
among the countries of Aral Sea basin. The program’s networking and
capacity building activities will help improve domestic and regional
water management and result in better cross-border cooperation and less
water waste in Uzbekistan and Central Asia.

U.S. Mission Uzbekistan
Tuesday, 18 April, 2017 | Topics: Agriculture, News, Press Releases, U.S. & Uzbekistan, USAID | Tags: Smart Waters
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