30 participants from Tajikistan and Afghanistan representing relevant ministries and agencies dealing with water resources, as well as staff of Water Users Associations took part in the event.
“CAREC immediately responded to the request of the Government to support educational training on water management and support of WUA’s,” said Head of the Tajik Branch in Tajikistan, Professor Abdulhamid Kayumov. The training will cover all the components of WUAs’ operation, including a field visit to pilot sides for practical training and strengthening skills.
Bahrom Gaforzoda, Deputy Head of the Agency on Land Reclamation and Irrigation under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan, said: “The constructive co-operation with CAREC is of great importance. Water management is a key issue for Tajikistan. This training will make a significant contribution to advancing the reform of the water sector carried out in the country and to move to the Integrated Water Resources Management.”
“Today’s event contributes to the dialogue between the two neighboring countries aimed at sharing practices, as well as increase the knowledge of the people who everyday deals with water management in the field” said Fabio Piana, the Deputy Head of the OSCE office in Tajikistan. “OSCE Office in Tajikistan, focusing on issues of comprehensive security, including the joint management of water resources.”
The training organized with the support of the USAID regional initiative in the framework of "Water, education, cooperation" project (Smart Waters), www.carececo.org
For more information, please contact Farhad Abdurakhmanov, CAREC abdurakhmonov@carececo.org