On 2-4 May, 2017, Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Melioration (TIIM) hosted a study tour for water management experts and members of the teaching faculty of the specialized higher educational institutions of Central Asia and Afghanistan. The tour was organized within the framework of the “Smart Waters” project implementation with financial support of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).
The aim of the study-tour was to explore the opportunities for cooperation among the higher education institutions of the region in teaching and scientific-methodological matters, as well as the exchange of ideas and practices.
In particular, during the first day of the tour, participants got acquainted with the experience TIIM has in organization of the learning process in accordance with the modern requirements in the water management issues. Participants also visited the local laboratories and reviewed the progress in master and PhD students’ research focused on rational water use.
In addition, CAREC shared its experience on strengthening the cooperation among academic institutions, within the “Smart Waters” project. The project combines aspects of water resource management with practical solutions at the local level through creation of the common network of managers, students, researchers, politicians and water users by building capacity to work together and exchange information at the regional level. Improving the personnel training system, capacity building of water sector staff, promotion of the Integrated Water Resource Management principles and implementation of the pilot project on the basin planning are the main priorities of the project.
According to the agenda of the second day of the tour, participants visited the hydro-technical installations in the Tashkent region, where TIIM students usually attend their practical lessons. The discussions on the scientific and methodological aspects as well as the training for the water management employees were conducted on the 4th of May.
- The agreement between the Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources of the Republic of Uzbekistan and CAREC on implementation of the "Smart Waters" project was signed in Tashkent on February 1, 2017.
- The project is financed by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).
- Currently, more than 4000 students attend TIIM. 350 teachers and research associates, including more than 30 professors and Doctors of Science, over 150 associate professors and Candidates of Science work there. TIIM has a modern educational, scientific and experimental database and library with 613770 thousand copies of books and other materials.