ALMATY – The first regional meeting within the “Promoting dialogue for conflict prevention related to the water nexus in Central Asia: Central Asia Water Nexus Cooperation (CAWECOOP)” project will be held in Almaty on 14 March 2016.
The CAWECOOP project just completed a series of national consultation meetings in all Central Asian countries where it had a chance to present the project and receive comments from the national partners of the project. The regional meeting aims at discussing and agreeing on the final version of the project work plan which has taken into account comments from Central Asian national partners and from the EU Delegations in Central Asia.
National partners from all five Central Asian countries representing Ministries and Agencies on water resources management and environmental protection as well as representing academia, the EU Special Representative for Central Asia - Mr. Peter Burian, the EU Delegations to Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, and regional organizations (IFAS) have been invited to the event. The participants will be introduced with to the project concept and work plan, which then through discussions will be agreed upon for the first implementation year of the project.
This meeting is organized by the Regional Environmental Center for Central Asia (CAREC) in the framework of the EU-funded project “Promotion dialogue for conflict prevention related to water nexus in Central Asia. Central Asia Water Nexus Cooperation (CAWECOOP)”.
Media representatives interested in this event should contact CAREC PR specialist Maria Andreyeva - via phone number +7 (727) 2654333 (extn.104) or e-mail address: mandreeva@carececo.org.
Venue and time: 27 Baitursynov st., Ramada Hotel, Almaty – March 14, 2016, 09.00 am
For additional information, please, address the CAREC Project manager Anna Inozemtseva via phone number +7 (727) 2654333 (extn.191) or e-mail address: ainozemtseva@carececo.org and/or Karlygash Jamankulova, Press and Information Officer of the Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Kazakhstan, telephone:+7-7172 97 11 48,Karlygash.JAMANKULOVA@eeas.europa.eu
Additional information:
The CAWECOOP project is financed through the Instrument contributing to stability and peace (IcSP), established by Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council, which came into force as of 11 March 2014. This instrument provides for increasing the efficiency and coherence of the Union's actions in the areas of crisis response, conflict prevention, peace-building and crisis preparedness, and in addressing global and trans-regional threats. The intervention of the project will support security and peace in the region via improved interstate, transboundary water – energy cooperation. Moreover, improved technical and governance aspects of the water management, Central Asian countries will be better prepared to the natural disasters such as flooding, droughts and other consequences of climate change.
The CAWECOOP project is implemented by CAREC in five states of Central Asia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan.