Tashkent. On 4-20 June a summer school is being conducted at Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers (TIIAME) for the students of Kazakh-German University (KGU) on the theme “Basics of water management: integration of theory, practice and scientific research”. The summer school is organized within the joint project of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the Regional Environmental Centre for Central Asia “Smart Waters” with the support of Ministry of water resources (MWR) of Uzbekistan.
The students of KGU who are taking part in the summer school represent Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan. The main aim of the school is strengthening the knowledge of KGU students and transferring more skills which would be applied on the territory of Central Asia region and beyond, creating a platform for a dialogue between the students of KGU and the TIIAME, as well as making use of a scientific-technical potential of the Tashkent Institute.
During 102 academic hours, fourteen students will have theoretical, practical, laboratory and self-study classes. Also, the students will be visiting irrigation and melioration infrastructures as well as sites, where water saving technologies are being used.
Director of USAID office in Uzbekistan Mr Gary Robbins noted in his speech that the increasing demand for and declining supply of shared water resources requires close regional cooperation to ensure that they are well managed and effectively utilized. Ensuring that water is available for generations to come requires a holistic approach that looks at entire ecosystems, including land and water, as one interlinked system. “The summer school is a great opportunity for you to attend classes, hear from distinguished professors, explore new ways of looking at problems and find innovative solutions. I encourage you to openly share your thoughts, keep your ears and eyes open, challenge yourselves and ask questions. I wish you much success », - Mr Gary Robbins addressed the students.
Students will be familiarized with such modules as water management at basin level, flow characteristics at irrigation canals, operational reliability and safety of hydro-technical infrastructures, an operation of pump stations and pumps, water saving technologies for irrigation, etc.
«We are very glad that such a course is being conducted in Tashkent institute. We worked very long and hard to organize this event. The students have received a wonderful chance to learn from such teachers. I am jealous in a good meaning that they have whole two weeks of interesting lectures with excellent professors», - highlighted Doctor Markus Kaiser, Rector of KGU.
Besides, KGU students were actively participating in the Central Asian International Environmental Forum (CAIEF 2018) which is held during June 5-8 in Tashkent. A special session titled “Central Asian Youth” was conducted within the forum on June 7 where will be joining in also the members of Organizational Committee of the Central Asian Leadership Programme on Environment for Sustainable Development, the representatives of the Youth Wing of the Ecological Movement of Uzbekistan, TIIAME, youth organizations of Uzbekistan, the USAID.
«The water resources are obtaining a decisive meaning in sustainable regional development under the conditions of new economic, social and ecological realities. Development in the near future will largely depend on available water resources, their quantitative and qualitative conditions, the demand for them, the level and culture of water use. Sustainable water management requires continuous attention. These tasks cannot be resolved with the efforts of one country», - highlighted the rector of TIIAME.
Students of the summer school were provided with the floor as well to introduce themselves and say a couple of words. The participants expressed their appreciations and readiness to go through the rich programme.
“Smart Waters” project is funded by USAID and is implemented by CAREC since 2015 in Central Asian countries and Afghanistan. The project aims to support the establishments of the professional network, to provide strategic advice on sustainable water resources management, and to develop regional dialogue on water resources and capacity building.