Student research competition on sustainable management of natural resources in Central Asia and Afghanistan

The Regional Environmental Centre for Central Asia announces the Student Research Competition on sustainable management of natural resources in Central Asia and Afghanistan.
Competition is open for Ph.D., master’s students and undergraduates with a research focus on climate-related or water-related issues in water, land, energy resources or environmental management. The competition winners will be provided with financial support to carry out their research in the amount of up to US$ 1,500. This support will be based on the reimbursement of actual expenses incurred by the students during the research. Eligible costs include expenses associated with field trips, surveys, laboratory tests, printing, etc.
Deadline for applications is May 31, 2019. On June 14, 2019, organizers will announce the winners. Proposed research must be part of the applicant`s dissertation and must be completed within 10 months or within other timeline agreed with the organizers.
The main topics of the competition:
- Water management and reforms: IWRM, international and national laws, policy development;
- Water management approaches for transboundary basins;
- Technologies and practices for sustainable water and land management on community and farm level;
- Water supply for rural areas: provision with drinking water, etc.;
- Economics of natural resources management, valuation of ecosystem services, the economic efficiency of water use;
- Economics of land degradation;
- Climate modelling and climate risk assessment;
- Climate change and health;
- Circular economy;
- Forestry and other carbon sinks;
- Assessment of climate vulnerability of households and sectors;
- Adaptation to climate change in agriculture and water sector;
- Low-carbon development, promotion of renewable energy and energy efficiency;
- Water, food and energy nexus;
- Gender and gender policy in the management of natural resources.
Read more on the website of the contest
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