The World Bank Group jointly with Korea Green Growth Partnership, Water Partnership Program and CAEWDP organizes a Central Asia Water Future Forum and Expo. The event will take place on 19 - 23 September 2016 in Almaty, Kazakhstan. The purpose of the event is to reflect on progress on the management of water resources in the region, through a knowledge forum that showcases global best practices on modernization of water management information systems and exhibit state-of the art water technologies.
Leading water agencies from five Central Asia countries are invited along with the representatives of different international and regional organizations and government water specialists, policy institutes, academia, hydrologists and meteorologists.
The event will reflect on a wide range of disciplines, from field technicians to decision makers and everyone in between. The event will put you in touch with leading solution providers and agencies in water resources management technology. Current and emerging technologies and practices will be the focus of this event.
More information about the event can be found here: http://centralasiawaterfuture.org
CAREC, actively supports and participates in international, regional and national processes of this kind and represents a unique platform for cooperation among environmental stakeholders working in Central Asia, which corresponds to the interests of both concerned government agencies, NGOs and international partners. It will continue to carry out its function of coordinating initiatives of donor community involved in Central Asia on a wide range of key issues and further contribute to the sustainability of the region as a whole.
In this event, CAREC will present and demonstrate its activities and approaches on:
- Development and support of academic institutions and young leaders’ networks for the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals in the Central Asia States;
- Capacity-building on key themes of sustainable development for various target groups, including teachers, young leaders, government officials, energy managers and business;
- Facilitation of a sub-regional dialogue and explore opportunities for a joint vision of the countries of Central Asia towards formulation and implementation of the global climate agenda (Paris Agreement) and sustainable development goals.
- Capacity building and exchange of best practices on low-carbon development and climate change adaptation in priority sectors of socio-economic development of the countries of Central Asia.
- Facilitating new tools like valuation of ecosystem services and introduction of Payment for ecosystem services schemes with the aim of improving local environmental management practices.
CAREC will also present its elaborated approaches in implementing regional projects:
Think globally – act locally: Introduction of integrated water resources management (IWRM) principles and practices on small transboundary watersheds in Central Asia
Multi-stakeholder participation: Strengthening involvement of regional, national, and local stakeholders in development and management of transboundary watersheds through establishment of regional and national working groups, as well as, small basin councils in which local communities are involved.
Training and capacity building in water sector: Analyzing capacity needs; development of training materials, and conducting seminars and trainings on IWRM principles, basin planning, water efficiency and productivity, payments for ecosystem services, economic and financial tools, adaptation to climate change in water sector, and other best practices. In addition, WIS develops publications, handbooks on basin planning for all the Central Asian countries.
Continuous public awareness raising: Awareness raising on the most pressing water issues and their solutions, through development and dissemination of informational materials (posters, video and photo materials), awareness raising campaigns, organization of demonstration and study tours to project sites.
Innovative solutions: Testing effectiveness of innovative incentive-based economic and financial tools into environmental governance through application of Payment for Ecosystem Services, and other best practices.
For more information, please contact: ssharipov@carececo.org