ClimateScience Olympiad is aimed at increasing knowledge about the problem of climate change and developing solutions in such categories as Sustainable Economy, Clean Energy, Waste Management, Carbon Emissions, Biodiversity, etc. You can take part individually or in pairs.
Where: online
first place – $ 5,000
second place – $ 3,000
third place – 2000$
fourth-seventh place – $ 1000
eighth-tenth – $500
* Winners will have the opportunity to attend the award ceremony at COP 29
Restrictions: up to 25 years old
Deadline: June 10th
Stages of the Olympiad:
the qualifying stage is an online quiz of 10 questions for 25 minutes
quarterfinals – an online quiz of 15 more difficult questions for 25 minutes
semi–final - solving a case on climate topics in the format of an essay for 3 hours
final – work during the week on the climate project
Read more: https://climatescience.org/olympiad/cso24