Representative of James Cook University (Australia) Dr. Ben Jarihani about the Community of Practice of Central Asia.
During the last meeting of the Network of Academic Societies on June 12 at the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan (Dushanbe, Tajikistan), one of the participants, Dr. Ben Jarihani, expressed his opinion about the Central Asiam Community of Practice. According to Dr. Jarihani, the Community of Practice unites academics, scientists and researchers of the region and provides them a platform for meetings, discussions of various educational programs and overlapping research interests. For more information, see the video interview below.
The Community of Practice platform is a communication and outreach platform for bringing together representatives of educational institutions, research institutions, government agencies, international organizations, youth and other stakeholders. The platform was created in 2022 by USAID WAVE in collaboration with CAREC on the basis of the Eurasian River Basin Portal (riverbp.net).