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The start of registration for the 9th Central Asian leadership programme on environment for sustainable development

The start of registration for the 9th Central Asian leadership programme on environment for sustainable development 05.03.2018

ALMATY.  On March 5 – the Regional Environmental Centre for Central Asia launches online registration for the 9th CALP. The collection of applications will continue until May 1, 2018. Leadership programme will be held in Almaty, Kazakhstan, on September 17-25, 2018. It is conducted in cooperation with UN Environment Programme, European Union, the OSCE Programme Office in Astana, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), USAID and World Bank.

The main objectives of the 9th CALP are to develop capacity and understanding of young leaders about the trends, current and new challenges, existing opportunities and efforts to preserve the environment and achieve sustainable development in the Central Asian (CA) region. And also programme aims to demonstrate the role of young leaders in Central Asia in strengthening the ongoing regional dialogue between governments, academia, civil society, business and the international community of Central Asia and Afghanistan in the field of development.

We welcome young specialists from Central Asia and Afghanistan, working in the state, non-governmental, academic and business sectors.

Participation in the CALP is free of charge; selection is based on open competition. The Programme organisers will cover air travel, accommodation and transfer in Almaty for participants living outside Almaty.

The slogan of the 9th CALP: “The Central Asian leaders for the regional cooperation and a pollution-free planet”.

 Thematic areas: The main themes of the 9th CALP will correlate with the thematic areas of the Central Asian International Environmental Forum (CAIEF):

·       Renewable energy and energy efficiency;

·       Conservation of biodiversity and development of a network of specially protected natural territories;

·       Integrated management of solid domestic waste;

·       Water diplomacy: regional cooperation in water resources management;

·       Intersectoral approach as an opportunity for more rational use of all resources to achieve water, food and energy security in Central Asia.

 All information about the programme  and online registration is available on the platform

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