USAID Central Asia’s Regional Water and Vulnerable Environment (WAVE) Activity facilitates and promotes the Robust Decision Support (RDS) framework as a tool to assist strategic planning and decision-making among basin-level stakeholders in the Syr Darya and Amu Darya River Basins.
RDS mainstreaming is accompanied by the development of two integrated models based on the Water Evaluation and Planning Platform (WEAP) and Low Emissions Analysis Platform (LEAP) allowing to analyze of decision impacts in the form of potential scenarios, as well as visualize the corresponding outcomes and outputs.
The Activity is collaborating with the Stockholm Environmental Institute (SEI) to develop these modeling systems.
The detailed software information about WEAP and download links are available at www.weap21.org
Each component of the modeling software platform – LEAP, NEMO, and problem solver applications – is accompanied by online documentation detailing its operation. These resources are available via the following links:
LEAP – https://leap.sei.org/
NЕМО – https://sei-international.github.io/NemoMod.jl/stable/
Gurobi – https://www.gurobi.com/
Key Resources:
Syrdarya River Basin models generated with WEAP/LEAP
The Value of Cooperation in the Syrdarya River Basin (policy brief)
Developing a Comprehensive Water-Energy Model for the Syrdarya River Basin (full report)
More information here.